Sandbeach Lake Outpost Cabins

Sandbeach Lake Outpost is the last outpost on the chain of lakes.  Leave from our main camp, take the portage and boat across Pettit, Mount  Lake and through scenic Sandbeach Creek and you arrive at Sandbeach Lake.  Here we have 2 cabins at separate locations

Each cabin has a screened deck, hot and cold running water, shower facilities in the cabin and solar powered lights.

At Sandbeach fish for walleye, northern pike, smallmouth bass and lake trout.

Enjoy the many sandy beaches, climb the rocky ridges or pick blueberries when in season.

There’s plenty of firewood available for the woodstove or a campfire.

For your added security and convenience we have radio communication with the main camp.
Upon request we will deliver supplies.

Sandbeach Lake Outpost – Cabin 1

Sandbeach Lake Outpost – Cabin 2